Let the



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Our Goal

We started Fortz to do play differently, by designing and building unique, fun, high-quality play structures with the play features and modern appearance you desire. We bring adventure to kids of all ages and incorporate surprises like hidden in-floor storage compartments and secret entrances, so kids feel like it’s their space. We strive to build play structures that encourage creativity, exploration, and play for kids of all abilities. Getting kids out of the house where they can play dirty, connect with nature and friends, and create lasting childhood memories!

The Process

Each step in turning dreams into reality is fun and creative and involves the whole family. Creating a play structure that includes all the fun things your family dreams of - like trap doors and ziplines. Ensuring the fort is something that the whole family will enjoy for years to come!

Our Designs

Our architectural background means your going to get the coolest looking fort that enhances your backyard. If that means it’s the focal point or blends into the surroundings. We design any style, from modern to cottage, we want to design something that you will be proud to have in your backyard!

Your Safety

Your family’s safety is our top priority! We follow the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's Home Playground Guidelines and are certified playground inspectors, so you can just let them play and don’t have to worry about your child's safety.